i toss n turn..i cant sleep tonight its raining outside...opened my window sills n watched the rain pitter patter pitter patter it ws dancing.....a rain dance?
the whole world is going beserk
xploring their dreamz with love&passion twinkling in their eyes
and here i am locked in this room
chained somewhere to the darkness
the book i ws reading ...
tried to get back to my reading darn!
i cant do it now...
the letters r dancing
the emotionz flying
the creeps popping out
the prince charming ran way!
from me?
switched on the tv browsed through the channels the same old story... gosh! movies.cliche movies... again tat uptown gurl fell in love ..with that same old romeo ,they fell in love, they kissed, they dreamed... and the tragedy... !i cant deal with this anymore switched it off
boring hw boring
coffee will do some help?
made some coffee with xtra sugar
sipped it ughhhhhh...its horrible!
now i am going "ughh" with my coffee? wats wrong wid me?
wats tat i am missing now?
i knw what it is... the sleep the rain the loneliness the books the movies the coffee its not really not about all this.... its more than that... the inxplicable that something
the pretentious desperedo thats troubling me
that supercilious moron who chases me in every dream
go away all.....
came back to my bed ...closed my eyes, pretended like i fell asleep, tried to sleep... not working !
then i heard the 'knock'
i ran up to the door
unlocked it
i saw 'him'
drenched in that pouring rain
water dripping down
but trying to keep himself warm by rubbing his hands against his cheeks
his dark shiny hair all wet
yes,with that refreshing smile of him
'wanted to tell u something!' i was like 'go on baby' but words dint come out

"i was trying to get some sleep but i cant
i was looking at this rain, i saw u
i tried to read something,then i saw that creep chasing u
i switched on the movie, again u kept coming to me
i tried coffee,our favorite, even its not working
n i really know wats tat i am

n i came here for u,just to say......
before he cud utter anything,i went near him hugged him closer to me, he came down to me his lips near my ears n he began to whisper something... again i interrupted... "hushhhhhhhhhh" then i said
"okay u prince charming watch my lips"i winked at him and pushed him away...he gave me that naughty smile he looked and i said
"i love you...."
he came close to me closer n closer...hugged me kissed me ... ! ablaze!!
and now i know what was missing...even he knows...!
and then it was raining
and i heard it..... pitter patter.....!!!
romantic... am impressed .. i'd do dat for sure for ma gal :) hope da rain comes soon.. n hope i get ma gal soon :D good going buddy.. am really impressed..
am honoured !!!
i shall give u more of these romantic ideas thru my stories...wat u say?but u owe me a treat...lol
Good.. :) keep them coming
the scene got over, thumbs were up and 'okay' was the call...
People started moving to stars
air smelled d happiness
Lights got fade
Camera stop rolling
d man behind the camera walked away from the scene and stopped on the bank of the river.
Sat on the tiny stones and kept his eyes on the blue hills.
Removed his cap and put it on his knees, taken the bear can out and holded tightly in the crossed fingures.
He was a statue for some moment and opend the beer can and taken the sip of the day. Kept the can side and he went back to stones pareleling to the sky.
Closed his eyes made the mind dark and let the drops of tears come out of the closed eyes ...
such a loavble attempt on romance... am loving it
nice blog.... i luvd it
thanku all
am so glad u guys r reading this blog *atleast*....or me making u read it lol!!
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