Gonna write about a special person…my grand father!!!….he is no more…he is the one whom I miss the most…today I must write about him…!When I was in school I used to wait for those holidays…during those holidays I used to go to my mom’s place…a break from all my tensions…I loved that place…there I cud talk talk n talk..but most of the time I will be fighting with grandmom…as she will be there pestering me telling like ‘look at ur hair!no oil at all ,its brown now…take a shower…I will oil ur hair’ and eat tat eat this ,look how skinny u are and all tat stuffs…I will be running like anything from her…n from her its my grandpa who helps me out !!!When grandma goes violent at me I will run to grandpa & he will take me for a WALK…A WALK thru those roads…on both sides of the road there were these green fields with cows,small pools n I really loved those breeze which blows n caresses me...everything in there were so full of love... …and I will walk with him ho;ding his hands enjoying the beauty and I always knew like, am safe with him …while we walk he will be talking to the neighbours & his frndz when he introduces me to them I will just pass some kinda 'innocent' looking smiles …& again I will walk holding his hands…."the most happiest days in my life"…u know walking thru those roads with my apoo(grandpa) happy will be me!!!…after a looong walk I will get exhausted, then he will take me to his frnd’s shop n will buy me lime juice…isspesual ! it will be with more sugar …'extra sugar cold lime juice'…after that apoo will ask me to select any BISCUIT I like… I will look thru those glass windows with much eagerness for tat MILKBIKIS and when I will get tat to my hands I will get tat weird feeling like yeah ,I hv conquered this world(lol I dunno y but I always felt it tat way!)and we will continue tat walk…with me munching those biscuits all way back home…I really cant express wat all tat meant to me… those walks those biscuits(lol)…and tat hold n his tat presence !!!I always had somewhere to go n tat SOMEONE other than my dad to whom I cud demand all my needs…anyways it’s the past n everything has changed..sometimes I will wish for this walk hmmmm n I know its all past n its not gonna happen again…I miss him a lot…Lost my good old days…n tat place have changd a lot now…TECNOPARK changed tat place a lot…now those shops where we used to go dun even exist…there its now the internet café’s, bakery’s, hotel’s n all tat stufss n the look has changed a lot…and where is tat place I used to go…its ‘nowhere’ now…n I am left with those memories atleast!!! n now WHO will take me for those walks????
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